
  1. A. Seko, H. Hayashi, H. Kashima, and I. Tanaka, Recommender Systems for Materials Discovery, in Machine Learning Meets Quantum Physics (Springer)

  2. A. Seko, A. Togo and I. Tanaka, Descriptors for Machine Learning of Materials Data, in Nanoinformatics (Springer, Open access)

  3. I. Tanaka and A. Seko, Toward Materials Discovery with First-Principles Datasets and Learning Methods, in Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design (Springer)


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  2. 世古敦人, 豊浦和明, 柴田基洋, 溝口照康, まてりあ 61 634-639 (2022).

  3. 世古敦人, 第一原理計算と機械学習による原子間相互作用のモデリングと構造探索, 応用物理 91, 77-81 (2022).

  4. 世古敦人,田中功, 第一原理計算と機械学習を用いた材料物性予測, 固体物理 52 (11), 733-741 (2017).

  5. 田中功,世古敦人, マテリアルズ・インフォマティクスの現状と将来展望, セラミックス 50, 517-522 (2015).

  6. 世古敦人,熊谷悠,大場史康,田中功, 第一原理熱力学計算によるセラミックス材料の相平衡, セラミックス 47, 494-499 (2012).

  7. 世古敦人, 第一原理熱力学に基づいた相平衡の高精度計算, まてりあ 51, 258-261 (2012).

  8. 田中功,世古敦人,大場史康,東後篤史, 高精度第一原理計算に基づいたマテリアルズ・インフォマティクスの展開, 工業材料 60, 23-26 (2012).

  9. 田中功,東後篤史,世古敦人, 高精度第一原理計算に基づいた定量的な材料予測-マテリアルズ・インフォマティクスの展開, セラミックス 46, 450-455 (2011)

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  11. 田中功,世古敦人, 第一原理計算に基づいた酸化物の相平衡と構造探索, Ceramic Data Book 2009, 37, 74-76 (2009).

  12. 田中功,世古敦人,東後篤史,大場史康,松永克志, 第一原理計算に基づくセラミックスのナノ構造解析と設計指針:酸化スズを例に, セラミックス 44, 679-683 (2009).

  13. 田中功,世古敦人,小山幸典, 第一原理熱力学に基づいた相平衡の理論計算, 機能元素のナノ材料科学,48-57 (2009).

  14. 田中功,世古敦人,弓削是貴,小山幸典,大場史康,松永克志, 第一原理熱力学によるナノ機能元素の理論計算, まてりあ 48, 299-302 (2009).


  1. H. Akita, Y. Baba, H. Kashima and A. Seko Atomic Distance Kernel for Material Property Prediction, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 526 (2017).

  2. J. Duan, A. Seko and H. Kashima Quantum Energy Prediction using Graph Kernel, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) (2015)

  3. 世古敦人, 第一原理計算に基づいた材料科学における機械学習の応用, 信学技報 114, 63 (2015).

  4. 岩瀬智亮,世古敦人,鹿島久嗣, マルチタスク学習を用いた複数物性値の同時予測, 信学技報 113, 9-13 (2014).


  1. I. Tanaka, A. Seko, Y. Koyama and A. Togo, Efficient materials exploration based on systematic density-functional calculations and machine learning techniques, AMTC Letters 4, 86-87 (2014).

  2. Y. Ikeda, A. Seko, A. Togo and I. Tanaka, Volume dependence of phonon frequencies in paramagnetic bcc iron: a first-principles study, AMTC Letters 4, 94-95 (2014).

  3. K. Shitara, A. Seko, Y. Koyama and I. Tanaka, Prediction of order-disorder transition temperature of delta-Bi2O3 by systematic first-principles calculations, AMTC Letters 4, 108-109 (2014).

  4. A. Takahashi, Y. Ikeda, A. Seko and I. Tanaka, Neural network interatomic potentials for aluminum and magnesium from systematic first principles calculations, AMTC Letters 4, 114-115 (2014).

  5. A. Sumitani, T. Moriasa, K. Shitara, A. Seko, Y. Koyama and I. Tanaka, Order-disorder transition of Li ions at octahedral site in LISICON-type oxides, AMTC Letters 4, 122-123 (2014).

  6. I. Tanaka, A. Seko, Y. Koyama and A. Togo, Structure and dynamics of oxide crystals at high temperatures by first principles calculations AMTC Letters 3, 98-99 (2012).

  7. A. Seko and I. Tanaka, Grouping of structures in cluster expansion of multicomponent systems, AMTC Letters 3, 114-115 (2012).

  8. Y. Kumagai, A. Seko, F. Oba, and I. Tanaka, Ground-state structures in MgO-NiO crystalline solutions, AMTC Letters 2, 180-181 (2010).

  9. I. Tanaka, A. Seko, A. Togo, and F. Oba, Statistical thermodynamics of oxides by combination of cluster expansion method and first principles calculations, AMTC Letters 2, 154-155 (2010).

  10. A. Seko, A. Togo, F. Oba and I. Tanaka, Structure and phase stability of nonstoichiometric compounds of tin oxides, AMTC Letters 1, 198-199 (2008).

  11. A. Matsumoto, A. Seko, Y. Koyama and I. Tanaka, Atomic arrangement of delta-Bi2O3 with defective fluorite structure by first-principles calculations, AMTC Letters 1, 210-211 (2008).