- 2022/3/31
- The project period of the Element Strategy Initiative (MEXT) ended. We continue the activities of ESISM as a research unit in the Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University.
- 2021/12/13-17
- We hosted a symposium entitled "Fundamental Issue of Structural Materials" at the Material Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021).
- 2020/10/9
- Prof. Isao Tanaka (Director, ESISM) received 2020 Hattori Hoko Award (Hattori Hokokai Foundation)
- 2020/10/1
- "ESISM International/Industry-Academia Cooperation Office@NIMS" was launched under Prof. Kaneaki Tsuzaki.
- 2020/10/1
- Prof. Masaki Tanaka joined our project as a new PI.
- 2020/3/30
- Dr. Chen's interview article appears on Element Strategy Initiative Website: "Conversation with Young Researchers: Interview 4"
- 2019/12/11-12
- ESISM co-hosted an international symposium entitled "Fundamental Issues of Structural Materials" at Materials Research Meeting 2019.
- 2019/1/8-9
- 7th ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2018/2/27-28
- 6th ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2017/1/31-2/1
- 5th ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2016/1/13-14
- 4th ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2015/1/29-30
- 3rd ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2014/3/10-12
- 2nd ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2013/7/9
- 2nd ESISM Symposium 2013 was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2013/6/14
- 1st ESISM Symposium 2013 was held at Kyoto University.
- 2013/1/8-9
- 1st ESISM International Workshop was held at Rakuyu Kaikan Kyoto University.
- 2012/11/7
- 2st Symposium was held at Tokyo-Office Kyoto University.
- 2012/8/3
- 1st Symposium was held at Fukui Institute for Fundamental Chemistry Kyoto University.
- 2012/7/23
- 1st
Symposium for Elements Strategy was held at Tokyo Gakushikaikan.
- 2012/6/29
- The adoption of the project "Elements Strategy Initiative for
Structural Materials" is decided.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/24/06/1323106.htm
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University:http://www.t.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/topics/all/gakukyo/20120702/view