Invited talks at International conferences/symposia/workshops

Workshop on Tailoring of High Temperature Properties of Si3N4 Ceramics

Schloss Ringberg, Germany (6-9th, Oct. 1993)

Slow Crack Growth Resistance in Silicon Nitride Ceramics

I. Tanaka

JFCC International Workshop on Fine Ceramics 1994

Nagoya, Japan (17-19th March 1994)

Grain Boundary Structure and High Temperature mechanical Response in Low Ca Doped Si3N4

I. Tanaka

Japan-US Workshop on Functional Fronts in Advanced Ceramics

Tsukuba, Japan (6th-8th Dec. 1994)

Electronic States of Ceramics-Surface, Interface and Defects

I. Tanaka and H. Adachi

Atomic Bonding at Internal Interfaces-Modelling and Spectroscopy

Schloss Ringberg, Germany (23-28th April 1995)

First Principles Molecular Orbital Calculation of ELNES

I. Tanaka and H. Adachi

American Ceramics Society, Annual Meeting 1995

Cincinati, USA (29th April-4th May 1995)

Grain Boundary Structure of High-Purity Si3N4

I. Tanaka

Gordon Conference on Science of Ceramics

New Hampshire, USA (20th-27th July, 1995)

Theoretical calculation of grain boundary ELNES

I. Tanaka and H. Adachi

Ceramics Microstructures 96 “Control at the Atomic Level”

Berkeley, USA (24th-27th June, 1996)

Local Chemical Bonding at Grain Boundary of Si3N4 Ceramics

I. Tanaka, T. Nakayasu, T. Yamada, H. Adachi

Korea-Japan-US Workshop on Microstructure Development in Materials

Taejon, Korea (3rd-5th October 1996)

Grain Boundary Bonding of Si3N4 Ceramics

I. Tanaka

International Union of Materials Research Society (IUMRS)-ICA-97

Chiba, Japan (16th-18th September 1997)

Theoretical Calculation of electron energy loss near edge structure of some perovskite-related oxides

I. Tanaka and H. Adachi

International workshop on interfaces in silicon nitride and related ceramics

Berkeley, USA (10th - 11th October 1997)

Grain Boundary Bonding of Si3N4 Ceramics

I. Tanaka

Wetting, Adsorption and Segregation at Free Surfaces and Grain Boundaries

Schloss Ringberg, Germany (8th - 12th March 1999)

Intergranular glassy film in Si3N4 ceramics

I. Tanaka

Engineering Ceramics 99

Smolenice Castle, Slovakia (11th -15th May 1999)

Atomic structure and chemical bondings of intergranular glassy film in Si3N4-SiO2 ceramics

I. Tanaka

International workshop on fine ceramics 2000

Nagoya, Japan (15th-17th March 2000)

Intergranular glassy films in Si3N4-SiO2 ceramics

—Morphology, chemistry, atomic structure and energetics

I. Tanaka

International symposium on the structure and properties of advanced nitrides and electronic nitrides

22-25 April 2001 Indianapolis, USA

First principles calculations of anion vacancies in oxides and nitrides

I. Tanaka

International symposium on the structure and properties of advanced nitrides and electronic nitrides

28 April -1 May 2002 St. Louis, USA

Localized Quantum Structures in Oxides and Nitrides

I. Tanaka and H. Adachi

American Ceramics Society Meeting

19 April - 22 April 2004  Indianapolis, USA

Design and characterization of ceramic materials using first principles methods

I. Tanaka

Second International Workshop on Spinel-Nitrides and Related Materials

5 - 9 Sept. 2004 Rudesheim, Germany

Characterization of Nitride and Oxide Thin Films by X-Ray Absorption Near-Edge Structures (XANES)

I. Tanaka

2nd International Workshop for Advanced Ceramics

5 - 6 November 2004 Nagahama, Japan

Recent Advances in First Principles Calculations of Advanced Ceramics

I. Tanaka


12-17 March 2006 SanAntonio USA

Phase relationships in selected functional ceramics from first principles

I. Tanaka


21-23 April 2006 Wien, Austria

First principles calculations of ELNES

I. Tanaka

Third International Workshop on Spinel-Nitrides and Related Materials

3 - 8 Sept. 2006 Rudesheim, Germany

First Principles Study of Cation Disordering in Spinel Oxides with Cluster Expansion and Monte Carlo Simulation

I. Tanaka

MS&T 2006

15 - 19 Oct. 2006 Cincinnati, USA

First principles thermodynamics of defects and impurities in some functional oxides and nitrides

I. Tanaka

2nd International Symposium on SiAlONs and Non-Oxides

2-5 December 2007 Ise, Japan

First principles calculations of advanced nitrides and alloys

I. Tanaka